World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion

《世界针灸杂志》被Emerging Sources Citation IndexESCI)数据库收录


《世界针灸杂志》(World Journal of Acupuncture Moxibusition, WJAM)办刊再次取得重大进展:日前接到国际著名科学文献出版公司汤森路透来信,信中称,WJAM于2016年起被该公司的“新兴资源引文索引”(Emerging Sources Citation Index,ESCI)数据库收录。ESCI是汤森路透集团推出的新数据库,与SCIE等共同组成Web of Science(WOS)核心合集,在WOS数据库中与SCI为同一个检索入口。ESCI的推出旨在扩展WOS的出版物收录范围,收录具有区域重要性和新兴科技领域中的高质量、同行评审、英文出版物。据汤森路透报道,“被ESCI收录的期刊已经通过了初始评估,并继续被考虑收录在有着严格评估过程和遴选标准的SCIE,SSCI和AHCI等数据库内” 。目前可以在WOS数据库核心合集中检索到WJAM自2015年第一期起的文章。


  WJAM(ISSN 1003-5257, CN 11-2892/R)由世界针灸学会联合会、中国中医科学院针灸研究所和中国针灸学会共同主办,国内外公开发行。WJAM以推进我国针灸在国际上的广泛传播为宗旨,以提高我国针灸界在国际上的学术地位为目的,以全面反映国内外优秀的针灸研究成果为任务,正在努力挺进国际著名科学文献数据库。2012年起,WJAM被全文收入世界上最大的医学与科学文献出版商之—Elsevier数据库,论文的传播及影响力得到了极大的提高;2015年,被中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)收录,成为中国的核心期刊。

  《世界针灸杂志》此次被收入ESCI,一方面说明国际出版界和学术界对该刊质量和发展潜力的认可,表明其国际影响力进一步提升;另一方面通过在当今世界上最著名的科学文献数据库的核心合集检索,可以直接为世界各地学者利用,有助于提高期刊及其作者在国际学术界的影响力。这标志着《世界针灸杂志》(World Journal of Acupuncture Moxibusition, WJAM)已经成为SCIE的预备队。


World Journal of Acupuncture Moxibustion (WJAM) has been indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

 World Journal of Acupuncture Moxibustion (WJAM) has made a significant progress again: WJAM recently received a letter from Thomson Reuters, an internationally renowned scientific literature publishing company, suggesting that articles of WJAM would be collected in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) since 2016. ESCI is a database newly launched by Thomson Reuters. It, together with SCIE and etc, constitutes the Core Collection of Web of Science (WOS) and shares the same retrieval port with SCI in WOS. The launch of ESCI aims to extend the scope of publications in the WOS and collect the high-quality, peer-reviewed English publications with the regional influence and about new technologies. According to Thomson Reuters, "journals in ESCI have passed the initial assessment and maybe will be included in SCIE, SSCI, AHCI and other databases with the strict evaluation process and selection criteria." Currently, articles published on WJAM since the first issue in 2015 can be retrieved in the WOS Core Collection.

Besides the two SCIE journals, namely the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine which are both in English, WJAM is only TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) magazine included in the WOS Core Collection. According to the previous expanding speed of SCI database, any magazine in ESCI will soon be included in the classic SCI database.


Jointly sponsored by the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and China Association for Acupuncture and Moxibustion, WJAM is publically issued at home and abroad. Being committed to developing into a well-known international scientific literature database, WJAM aims to widely spread China’s acupuncture and moxibustion to the world and improve China’s international academic status in acupuncture. It assumes the responsibility of fully reflecting the excellent acupuncture & moxibustion research results at home and abroad. In 2012, WJAM was included in the database of Elsevier, one of the world's largest publishers of medical and scientific literature, and the spread speed and influence of its paper were greatly enhanced. In 2015, WJAM was included in Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), becoming a core journal of China.

  WJAM’s access to ESCI indicates that the international publishing circle and academic circle have recognized its quality and development potential, and that its international influence has been further enhanced. In addition, through the core collection retrieval function of the world's most famous science literature database, scholars from around the world can directly use the articles of WJAM, which is conductive to improving the international influence of WJAM and relevant authors. This marks WJAM has become the reserve force of SCIE.


上一篇:《世界针灸杂志》被中国科学引文数据库收录WJAM has been included in the Chinese Science Citation Database

下一篇:【最新消息】 《世界针灸杂志(英文版)》被收录为“中国科技核心期刊”